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Article: Hello boysmom Lies Vandenberghe

Hello boysmom Lies Vandenberghe - Four Roses

Hello boysmom Lies Vandenberghe

Lies has been an ambassador of our collection since corona. Introduced to each other by our retailer in Ruddervoorde and immediately a very nice contact. I am still very grateful to our customer, Kaat!

When Lies visits, it is always a pleasant reunion and she is often surprised when trying on, how well a particular color or style looks on her.
During the news, her outfits shouldn't be too distracting so we have to be careful but off camera, she loves color and besides being feminine, it's also allowed to be a touch tough.

A match made in heaven.

Even with 2 small kids, a very busy job and consequently a lot of sleep deprivation, she still took the time to capture her favorite outfits on that beautiful spring day in Mortsel. And we were extra lucky because her oldest son, Georges was also there and showed his sporty side. So Lies is also a perfect reporter at home.  

pictures by StudioNUNU

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