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Article: Lynn Van Royen's favorites

Lynn Van Royen's favorites - Four Roses

Lynn Van Royen's favorites

Four Roses stands for a very diverse collection where it does not turn to age but to the way in which you stand in the life . To inspiration for next collections on to do am I sometimes in 1 of our stores and steal I with my eyes what our customers get from the racks or what comments they give xml-ph-003 But I have meanwhile also some well-known ambassadors from our brand, which me as much inspire and maybe you too!

The are increasingly women who appreciate a serving fun in their outfit know and become happy from the simple things in the life. They are authentic and crack in their profession. There am I yet do very very proud of that. Lynn From Royen even took the time to show her favorites from this winter in front of the lens of Nena . So a drizzly morning nevertheless became a very fine moment at a beautiful location.

Besides acting in several languages, Lynn is an authentic, pretty madam and a tad different. She wrote a book full of small happinesses, she makes spoons, studies to be an herbalist and also raises 2 boys. Enough material for a chat ;-)

Lynn, What is the ideal piece of clothing for you?

Out of me, I reach for pants very easily. My days are also filled with all kinds of things, sometimes it's driving down the grass, then clambering into a tree, picking up nuts, taking children to and from school, to the set and back...
And the easiest way to do all those things is with pants on, or at least that's what I've made of them in my head. I also super like wearing a dress like that, but only if I know I don't have to do too much 😄 I'm already not tall, so if I wear a dress like that that comes a bit longer, for example, I soon have to pay attention if I walk up stairs too fast, or if I bend down (then it hangs in the earth) Haha, so it's really a comfy consideration. I'm totally hooked on that new boilersuit, I wore it for a week, and had I not smushed herb cheese on it, I probably wore it even longer! And this summer, the orange/yellow pants, and the black and white plaid pants were not off my chest! Lovely!

Four Roses is Belgian and made in Europe, are you a conscious buyer?

Definitely and definitely and not just on clothing.
I think that's incredibly punishing that you guys are so responsible with your product, that you don't choose the cheaper alternatives but stand firm. Ultimately, that's a risk you guys take, I guess. But it makes your pieces really of good quality, that your story is true, and that people who choose to wear you really made the right choice and thus contribute to a more conscious society. Punish them.

You love nature that's an understatement, what are things you leave or just do extra for the planet?

Haha, yes you can indeed say that. I am happiest in my garden, with all my loved ones around me, and with earth on my feet. :-D
As I said before, I try to buy consciously. Next year I would like to start my own vegetable garden again, this year I couldn't do it in terms of time, but I hope I can now. If that doesn't work out, I'm going to look at CSA farm 'De Hoezekouter', where you can help with planting, weeding, watering, all that sort of thing. That's not obligatory by the way, you can also just buy your share and go and harvest when it's the time. That way you have organic vegetables, and locally grown. So no trucks driving back and forth, no pesticides, better for the environment.

I sort my trash very precisely. When we go hiking, we always have a bag with us to pick up plastic and cans we find along the road. I wash my clothes with biodegradable products. We don't set the heating too high (that's partly ecological, partly just budget). We try to collect rainwater to water the plants with. I turn off the lights when we are in another room.

You've been wearing Four Roses for several seasons now, what can you appreciate most about our label?

Indeed, I already have a nice collection Four Roses together, but what I think is great is that everything still fits together.
I can easily combine pieces from 2 winters ago with the new pieces from now. HUGE! Just an inexhaustible closet of combinations!

It sits well, it's beautiful, it's just that little bit different. I get nothing but compliments also when I run with you


Your book "little happiness" is a boost and makes the reader aware of simple positive things, what things give you positive energy?

Aaaah, noticing the little happinesses give me energy! That's why I started writing them down. Every time I got a ray of sunshine right through my heart, or so it seemed, every time I could 'spot' one.

And still now, the leaves falling from the trees by the wind, as if doing a dance, a coffee in the sun and a book, being able to make something with my hands and actually use it afterwards (like my spoons, for example), those are really moments of happiness for me. The little kids who still sigh when I go to kiss them goodnight, my sweetheart who has already prepared coffee with a bill in the morning. I LOVE IT.

If someone doesn't know you yet, what movie/series should they definitely watch?

I'm dedie who always wears Four Roses ! ;-) I would say, you might like watching 'Beau Sejour'. Or soon "Arcadia. If it's allowed in French, there's a series running now on La Une 'Renaissances' in which I play in French. And on Streamz you can find 'The Window', which is in English. Amai, haha languages enough exactly when I say it like that!

pictures by StudioNUNU

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